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Friday, April 15, 2011

Pickpocketing or voluntary auctions? The wireless spectrum standoff

Pickpocketing or voluntary auctions? The wireless spectrum standoff: "

Federal Communications Commission Chair Julius Genachowski was on the road this week, giving the stump speech for the FCC's 'looming spectrum crisis' tour. The bottom line is that smartphone demand is skyrocketing and that wireless broadband providers need more licenses down the line. Therefore, both carriers and regulators regularly eyeball the appetizing 300MHz of spectrum mostly reserved for over-the-air television broadcasters.

"Other countries—our global competitors—are focused on mobile opportunities in a way that simply hasn't been true in the past," Genachowski noted at the NAB Show in Las Vegas on Tuesday.

"If we wait until there's a crisis to reallocate spectrum, we'll have waited too long—for consumers, for our global competitiveness—and I believe, for broadcasters," he warned. "Turning back to prior experience, what history shows us is that when broadcasters, the FCC, and Congress worked together in a straightforward and fair way that was focused on solving
problems, we reached solutions that delivered tremendous benefits to our country."

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