I am currently looking for someone to help out with this blog. I didn't realize the scope that this blog would effect. Hits from countries in political strife and the like, people looking for a way to communicate outside of government control. If you would like to help please send me an email George dot Endrulat at Gmail dot Com.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

1. Abstract - Open_Sailing

1. Abstract - Open_Sailing
Labs‎ > ‎Openet.org‎ > ‎

1. Abstract

>> Are we free on the internet ? - No we are not. We are under surveillance.
>> Can we create an infrastructure-less internet? An Infrastructure-less civilization? - The technology already exists, may it be mesh-networks on short ranges, or packet radios on long distances. The less infrastructure, the more robust, check this disaster wifi coverage devices!.
>> Do we need the companies, the states, the militaries to organise and moderate it? - No we don't. The whole open-source communities will support this initiative, you will.
>> Can we can build a true civilian internet? - Shall we try ... ? openet.org We may not have to re-invent TCP-IP ...

Some repeaters or open-source mesh-networking computer like the OXO OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) use something close to this system ...

More video detailled explanations and relation to the smart grid ... Here is packet radio station brief video explanation :
File:International amateur radio symbol.svg

This is the international symbol for amateur radio, included in the logos of many IARU member societies. The diamond holds a circuit diagram featuring components common to every radio: an antenna,inductor andground.antenna,inductor and ground. Maybe the openet doesn't have a ground, a country ... See also OpenNet.net initiative, more about politics, let's be about empowering people with simple technical solutions. Coolest group here. We can do pretty wild stuff, like bouncing a radio wave signal to the moon - back to earth
with a relatively simple equipment !

And there are many ways to create signal relays : in the oceans, in the air (1966 military study), have strong long-wave signal that bounce on the atmosphere. Our network could be much more fluid, wet networks, creating nodes bycapillary action, This is when loose network and thermodynamic system and notions of boundaries become useful / useless ... Open_Architecture ?

File:System boundary.svg

A "loose network", this is how our universe is being described anyway ...

[Image: Courtesy of NASA/ESA/MASSEY, via the BBC, via BLDGBLOG]. "Astronomers have mapped the cosmic 'scaffold' of dark matter upon which stars and galaxies are assembled," the BBC reports. Producing the map "involved nearly 1,000 hours of observations with the Hubble Space Telescope." But it was time well-spent: the map now "confirms that galaxy clusters are located within clumps of this invisible material. These clumps are connected via bridges of dark matter called filaments. The clumps and filaments form a loose network – like a web." So where do we start ? For the people, for the earth ? ...

Now we have accepted we are in a multiverse, are we ready to engage with a "multinet" (multiple Internet)? Maybe an Openet (an open network) is a good start? Will the politic follow (Barack Obama: On Net Neutrality) ?

I made this "multinet" illustration from Matt Britt, wikipedia internet map.

kw: mesh, networking, freedom, p2p, internet, bitcoin, asterisk, google, google voice, android, root, free, wireless, data, linux, voip, voice

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