I am currently looking for someone to help out with this blog. I didn't realize the scope that this blog would effect. Hits from countries in political strife and the like, people looking for a way to communicate outside of government control. If you would like to help please send me an email George dot Endrulat at Gmail dot Com.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Blog Alert for GNUnet - GNU's Framework for Secure Peer-to-Peer Networking, May 23, 2011

New Posts to GNUnet - GNU's Framework for Secure Peer-to-Peer Networking on May 23, 2011:

1) Server back...

We finally got the gnunet.org server (a Balios 142 from Innovative Computer GmbH) back. They "only" took 4 weeks to repair it, where the repair was to exchange a fan and clear the CMOS. So presumably the CMOS on the Supermicro X8STE X58 S1366 mainboard was to blame for the kernel panic followed by a really badly misbehaving BIOS (and kernel-halts on startup). Just documenting this here for others running into similar trouble.

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Self storage facilities are cash cows!

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