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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Khan Academy

Khan Academy

Linear Algebra

Matrices, vectors, vector spaces, transformations. Covers all topics in a first year college linear algebra course. This is an advanced course normally taken by science or engineering majors after taking at least two semesters of calculus (although calculus really isn't a prereq) so don't confuse this with regular high school algebra.

  1. Introduction to matrices
  2. Matrix multiplication (part 1)
  3. Matrix multiplication (part 2)
  4. Inverse Matrix (part 1)
  5. Inverting matrices (part 2)
  6. Inverting Matrices (part 3)
  7. Matrices to solve a system of equations
  8. Matrices to solve a vector combination problem
  9. Singular Matrices
  10. 3-variable linear equations (part 1)
  11. Solving 3 Equations with 3 Unknowns
  12. Linear Algebra: Introduction to Vectors
  13. Linear Algebra: Vector Examples
  14. Linear Algebra: Parametric Representations of Lines
  15. Linear Combinations and Span
  16. Linear Algebra: Introduction to Linear Independence
  17. More on linear independence
  18. Span and Linear Independence Example
  19. Linear Subspaces
  20. Linear Algebra: Basis of a Subspace
  21. Vector Dot Product and Vector Length
  22. Proving Vector Dot Product Properties
  23. Proof of the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality
  24. Linear Algebra: Vector Triangle Inequality
  25. Defining the angle between vectors
  26. Defining a plane in R3 with a point and normal vector
  27. Linear Algebra: Cross Product Introduction
  28. Proof: Relationship between cross product and sin of angle
  29. Dot and Cross Product Comparison/Intuition
  30. Matrices: Reduced Row Echelon Form 1
  31. Matrices: Reduced Row Echelon Form 2
  32. Matrices: Reduced Row Echelon Form 3
  33. Matrix Vector Products
  34. Introduction to the Null Space of a Matrix
  35. Null Space 2: Calculating the null space of a matrix
  36. Null Space 3: Relation to Linear Independence
  37. Column Space of a Matrix
  38. Null Space and Column Space Basis
  39. Visualizing a Column Space as a Plane in R3
  40. Proof: Any subspace basis has same number of elements
  41. Dimension of the Null Space or Nullity
  42. Dimension of the Column Space or Rank
  43. Showing relation between basis cols and pivot cols
  44. Showing that the candidate basis does span C(A)
  45. A more formal understanding of functions
  46. Vector Transformations
  47. Linear Transformations
  48. Matrix Vector Products as Linear Transformations
  49. Linear Transformations as Matrix Vector Products
  50. Image of a subset under a transformation
  51. im(T): Image of a Transformation
  52. Preimage of a set
  53. Preimage and Kernel Example
  54. Sums and Scalar Multiples of Linear Transformations
  55. More on Matrix Addition and Scalar Multiplication
  56. Linear Transformation Examples: Scaling and Reflections
  57. Linear Transformation Examples: Rotations in R2
  58. Rotation in R3 around the X-axis
  59. Unit Vectors
  60. Introduction to Projections
  61. Expressing a Projection on to a line as a Matrix Vector prod
  62. Compositions of Linear Transformations 1
  63. Compositions of Linear Transformations 2
  64. Linear Algebra: Matrix Product Examples
  65. Matrix Product Associativity
  66. Distributive Property of Matrix Products
  67. Linear Algebra: Introduction to the inverse of a function
  68. Proof: Invertibility implies a unique solution to f(x)=y
  69. Surjective (onto) and Injective (one-to-one) functions
  70. Relating invertibility to being onto and one-to-one
  71. Determining whether a transformation is onto
  72. Linear Algebra: Exploring the solution set of Ax=b
  73. Linear Algebra: Matrix condition for one-to-one trans
  74. Linear Algebra: Simplifying conditions for invertibility
  75. Linear Algebra: Showing that Inverses are Linear
  76. Linear Algebra: Deriving a method for determining inverses
  77. Linear Algebra: Example of Finding Matrix Inverse
  78. Linear Algebra: Formula for 2x2 inverse
  79. Linear Algebra: 3x3 Determinant
  80. Linear Algebra: nxn Determinant
  81. Linear Algebra: Determinants along other rows/cols
  82. Linear Algebra: Rule of Sarrus of Determinants
  83. Linear Algebra: Determinant when row multiplied by scalar
  84. Linear Algebra: (correction) scalar muliplication of row
  85. Linear Algebra: Determinant when row is added
  86. Linear Algebra: Duplicate Row Determinant
  87. Linear Algebra: Determinant after row operations
  88. Linear Algebra: Upper Triangular Determinant
  89. Linear Algebra: Simpler 4x4 determinant
  90. Linear Algebra: Determinant and area of a parallelogram
  91. Linear Algebra: Determinant as Scaling Factor
  92. Linear Algebra: Transpose of a Matrix
  93. Linear Algebra: Determinant of Transpose
  94. Linear Algebra: Transposes of sums and inverses
  95. Linear Algebra: Transpose of a Vector
  96. Linear Algebra: Rowspace and Left Nullspace
  97. Lin Alg: Visualizations of Left Nullspace and Rowspace
  98. Linear Algebra: Orthogonal Complements
  99. Linear Algebra: Rank(A) = Rank(transpose of A)
  100. Linear Algebra: dim(V) + dim(orthogonoal complelent of V)=n
  101. Lin Alg: Representing vectors in Rn using subspace members
  102. Lin Alg: Orthogonal Complement of the Orthogonal Complement
  103. Lin Alg: Orthogonal Complement of the Nullspace
  104. Lin Alg: Unique rowspace solution to Ax=b
  105. Linear Alg: Rowspace Solution to Ax=b example
  106. Lin Alg: Showing that A-transpose x A is invertible
  107. Linear Algebra: Projections onto Subspaces
  108. Linear Alg: Visualizing a projection onto a plane
  109. Lin Alg: A Projection onto a Subspace is a Linear Transforma
  110. Linear Algebra: Subspace Projection Matrix Example
  111. Lin Alg: Another Example of a Projection Matrix
  112. Linear Alg: Projection is closest vector in subspace
  113. Linear Algebra: Least Squares Approximation
  114. Linear Algebra: Least Squares Examples
  115. Linear Algebra: Another Least Squares Example
  116. Linear Algebra: Coordinates with Respect to a Basis
  117. Linear Algebra: Change of Basis Matrix
  118. Lin Alg: Invertible Change of Basis Matrix
  119. Lin Alg: Transformation Matrix with Respect to a Basis
  120. Lin Alg: Alternate Basis Tranformation Matrix Example
  121. Lin Alg: Alternate Basis Tranformation Matrix Example Part 2
  122. Lin Alg: Changing coordinate systems to help find a transformation matrix
  123. Linear Algebra: Introduction to Orthonormal Bases
  124. Linear Algebra: Coordinates with respect to orthonormal bases
  125. Lin Alg: Projections onto subspaces with orthonormal bases
  126. Lin Alg: Finding projection onto subspace with orthonormal basis example
  127. Lin Alg: Example using orthogonal change-of-basis matrix to find transformation matrix
  128. Lin Alg: Orthogonal matrices preserve angles and lengths
  129. Linear Algebra: The Gram-Schmidt Process
  130. Linear Algebra: Gram-Schmidt Process Example
  131. Linear Algebra: Gram-Schmidt example with 3 basis vectors
  132. Linear Algebra: Introduction to Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
  133. Linear Algebra: Proof of formula for determining Eigenvalues
  134. Linear Algebra: Example solving for the eigenvalues of a 2x2 matrix
  135. Linear Algebra: Finding Eigenvectors and Eigenspaces example
  136. Linear Algebra: Eigenvalues of a 3x3 matrix
  137. Linear Algebra: Eigenvectors and Eigenspaces for a 3x3 matrix
  138. Linear Algebra: Showing that an eigenbasis makes for good coordinate systems
  139. Vector Triple Product Expansion (very optional)
  140. Normal vector from plane equation
  141. Point distance to plane
  142. Distance Between Planes
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