Linear Algebra
Matrices, vectors, vector spaces, transformations. Covers all topics in a first year college linear algebra course. This is an advanced course normally taken by science or engineering majors after taking at least two semesters of calculus (although calculus really isn't a prereq) so don't confuse this with regular high school algebra.
- Introduction to matrices
- Matrix multiplication (part 1)
- Matrix multiplication (part 2)
- Inverse Matrix (part 1)
- Inverting matrices (part 2)
- Inverting Matrices (part 3)
- Matrices to solve a system of equations
- Matrices to solve a vector combination problem
- Singular Matrices
- 3-variable linear equations (part 1)
- Solving 3 Equations with 3 Unknowns
- Linear Algebra: Introduction to Vectors
- Linear Algebra: Vector Examples
- Linear Algebra: Parametric Representations of Lines
- Linear Combinations and Span
- Linear Algebra: Introduction to Linear Independence
- More on linear independence
- Span and Linear Independence Example
- Linear Subspaces
- Linear Algebra: Basis of a Subspace
- Vector Dot Product and Vector Length
- Proving Vector Dot Product Properties
- Proof of the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality
- Linear Algebra: Vector Triangle Inequality
- Defining the angle between vectors
- Defining a plane in R3 with a point and normal vector
- Linear Algebra: Cross Product Introduction
- Proof: Relationship between cross product and sin of angle
- Dot and Cross Product Comparison/Intuition
- Matrices: Reduced Row Echelon Form 1
- Matrices: Reduced Row Echelon Form 2
- Matrices: Reduced Row Echelon Form 3
- Matrix Vector Products
- Introduction to the Null Space of a Matrix
- Null Space 2: Calculating the null space of a matrix
- Null Space 3: Relation to Linear Independence
- Column Space of a Matrix
- Null Space and Column Space Basis
- Visualizing a Column Space as a Plane in R3
- Proof: Any subspace basis has same number of elements
- Dimension of the Null Space or Nullity
- Dimension of the Column Space or Rank
- Showing relation between basis cols and pivot cols
- Showing that the candidate basis does span C(A)
- A more formal understanding of functions
- Vector Transformations
- Linear Transformations
- Matrix Vector Products as Linear Transformations
- Linear Transformations as Matrix Vector Products
- Image of a subset under a transformation
- im(T): Image of a Transformation
- Preimage of a set
- Preimage and Kernel Example
- Sums and Scalar Multiples of Linear Transformations
- More on Matrix Addition and Scalar Multiplication
- Linear Transformation Examples: Scaling and Reflections
- Linear Transformation Examples: Rotations in R2
- Rotation in R3 around the X-axis
- Unit Vectors
- Introduction to Projections
- Expressing a Projection on to a line as a Matrix Vector prod
- Compositions of Linear Transformations 1
- Compositions of Linear Transformations 2
- Linear Algebra: Matrix Product Examples
- Matrix Product Associativity
- Distributive Property of Matrix Products
- Linear Algebra: Introduction to the inverse of a function
- Proof: Invertibility implies a unique solution to f(x)=y
- Surjective (onto) and Injective (one-to-one) functions
- Relating invertibility to being onto and one-to-one
- Determining whether a transformation is onto
- Linear Algebra: Exploring the solution set of Ax=b
- Linear Algebra: Matrix condition for one-to-one trans
- Linear Algebra: Simplifying conditions for invertibility
- Linear Algebra: Showing that Inverses are Linear
- Linear Algebra: Deriving a method for determining inverses
- Linear Algebra: Example of Finding Matrix Inverse
- Linear Algebra: Formula for 2x2 inverse
- Linear Algebra: 3x3 Determinant
- Linear Algebra: nxn Determinant
- Linear Algebra: Determinants along other rows/cols
- Linear Algebra: Rule of Sarrus of Determinants
- Linear Algebra: Determinant when row multiplied by scalar
- Linear Algebra: (correction) scalar muliplication of row
- Linear Algebra: Determinant when row is added
- Linear Algebra: Duplicate Row Determinant
- Linear Algebra: Determinant after row operations
- Linear Algebra: Upper Triangular Determinant
- Linear Algebra: Simpler 4x4 determinant
- Linear Algebra: Determinant and area of a parallelogram
- Linear Algebra: Determinant as Scaling Factor
- Linear Algebra: Transpose of a Matrix
- Linear Algebra: Determinant of Transpose
- Linear Algebra: Transposes of sums and inverses
- Linear Algebra: Transpose of a Vector
- Linear Algebra: Rowspace and Left Nullspace
- Lin Alg: Visualizations of Left Nullspace and Rowspace
- Linear Algebra: Orthogonal Complements
- Linear Algebra: Rank(A) = Rank(transpose of A)
- Linear Algebra: dim(V) + dim(orthogonoal complelent of V)=n
- Lin Alg: Representing vectors in Rn using subspace members
- Lin Alg: Orthogonal Complement of the Orthogonal Complement
- Lin Alg: Orthogonal Complement of the Nullspace
- Lin Alg: Unique rowspace solution to Ax=b
- Linear Alg: Rowspace Solution to Ax=b example
- Lin Alg: Showing that A-transpose x A is invertible
- Linear Algebra: Projections onto Subspaces
- Linear Alg: Visualizing a projection onto a plane
- Lin Alg: A Projection onto a Subspace is a Linear Transforma
- Linear Algebra: Subspace Projection Matrix Example
- Lin Alg: Another Example of a Projection Matrix
- Linear Alg: Projection is closest vector in subspace
- Linear Algebra: Least Squares Approximation
- Linear Algebra: Least Squares Examples
- Linear Algebra: Another Least Squares Example
- Linear Algebra: Coordinates with Respect to a Basis
- Linear Algebra: Change of Basis Matrix
- Lin Alg: Invertible Change of Basis Matrix
- Lin Alg: Transformation Matrix with Respect to a Basis
- Lin Alg: Alternate Basis Tranformation Matrix Example
- Lin Alg: Alternate Basis Tranformation Matrix Example Part 2
- Lin Alg: Changing coordinate systems to help find a transformation matrix
- Linear Algebra: Introduction to Orthonormal Bases
- Linear Algebra: Coordinates with respect to orthonormal bases
- Lin Alg: Projections onto subspaces with orthonormal bases
- Lin Alg: Finding projection onto subspace with orthonormal basis example
- Lin Alg: Example using orthogonal change-of-basis matrix to find transformation matrix
- Lin Alg: Orthogonal matrices preserve angles and lengths
- Linear Algebra: The Gram-Schmidt Process
- Linear Algebra: Gram-Schmidt Process Example
- Linear Algebra: Gram-Schmidt example with 3 basis vectors
- Linear Algebra: Introduction to Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- Linear Algebra: Proof of formula for determining Eigenvalues
- Linear Algebra: Example solving for the eigenvalues of a 2x2 matrix
- Linear Algebra: Finding Eigenvectors and Eigenspaces example
- Linear Algebra: Eigenvalues of a 3x3 matrix
- Linear Algebra: Eigenvectors and Eigenspaces for a 3x3 matrix
- Linear Algebra: Showing that an eigenbasis makes for good coordinate systems
- Vector Triple Product Expansion (very optional)
- Normal vector from plane equation
- Point distance to plane
- Distance Between Planes
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