I am currently looking for someone to help out with this blog. I didn't realize the scope that this blog would effect. Hits from countries in political strife and the like, people looking for a way to communicate outside of government control. If you would like to help please send me an email George dot Endrulat at Gmail dot Com.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

VoIP Service Providers Reviews by Country : voip providers, voip services review

VoIP Service Providers Reviews by Country : voip providers, voip services review

VoIP Providers by Country VoIP Providers by CountryVoIP Providers by Country

found 2138 companies

VoIP Countries

Afghanistan[4] Lebanon[6]
Albania[5] Lesotho[0]
Algeria[4] Liberia[0]
American Samoa[0] Libya[1]
Andorra[0] Liechtenstein[0]
Angola[4] Lithuania[6]
Antigua and B.[0] Luxembourg[5]
Argentina[26] Macau[0]
Armenia[15] Macedonia[5]
Aruba[0] Madagascar[0]
Ascension[0] Malawi[0]
Australia[40] Malaysia[19]
Australian E.T.[0] Maldives[1]
Austria[10] Mali[0]
Azerbaijan[0] Malta[1]
Bahamas[0] Marshall Islands[0]
Bahrain[7] Martinique[0]
Bangladesh[26] Mauritania[1]
Barbados[0] Mauritius[1]
Belarus[0] Mayotte[0]
Belgium[30] Mexico[12]
Belize[2] Micronesia[0]
Benin[0] Moldova[6]
Bhutan[0] Monaco[0]
Bolivia[4] Mongolia[4]
Bosnia[2] Montenegro[0]
Botswana[0] Morocco[0]
Brazil[27] Mozambique[0]
Brunei[1] Myanmar[0]
Bulgaria[18] Namibia[0]
Burkina Faso[0] Nauru[0]
Burundi[0] Nepal[5]
Cambodia[0] Netherlands[25]
Cameroon[6] Netherlands Ant.[0]
Canada[173] New Caledonia[0]
Cape Verde[0] New Zealand[11]
Central Afr. Rep.[0] Nicaragua[3]
Chad[0] Niger[0]
Chile[19] Nigeria[16]
China[68] Niue[0]
Colombia[19] Norway[5]
Comoros[0] Oman[1]
Congo[0] Pakistan[31]
Congo D.R.[1] Palau[0]
Cook Islands[0] Palestine[4]
Costa Rica[8] Panama[3]
Croatia[1] Papua N. Guinea[0]
Cuba[0] Paraguay[0]
Cyprus[13] Peru[12]
Czech Republic[11] Philippines[18]
Denmark[12] Poland[7]
Diego Garcia[0] Portugal[4]
Djibouti[0] Qatar[1]
Dominica[0] Reunion Island[1]
Dominican Rep.[2] Romania[19]
East Timor[0] Russia[50]
Ecuador[1] Rwanda[0]
Egypt[10] Saint Helena[0]
El Salvador[2] Saint Kitts & N.[0]
Equat. Guinea[0] Saint Lucia[0]
Eritrea[0] Saint Vincent[0]
Estonia[3] San Marino[0]
Ethiopia[1] Sao Tome[0]
F.S. Micronesia[0] Saudi Arabia[1]
Falkland Islands[0] Senegal[0]
Faroe Islands[0] Serbia[6]
Fiji[1] Seychelles[0]
Finland[6] Sierra Leone[0]
France[33] Singapore[21]
French Polynesia[0] Slovakia[0]
Gabon[0] Slovenia[3]
Gambia[0] Solomon Islands[0]
Georgia[4] Somalia[0]
Germany[43] South Africa[31]
Ghana[0] Spain[38]
Gibraltar[0] Sri Lanka[7]
Greece[17] St Pierre & M.[0]
Greenland[0] Sudan[0]
Grenada[0] Suriname[0]
Guadeloupe[1] Swaziland[0]
Guatemala[8] Sweden[3]
Guiana (French)[1] Switzerland[21]
Guinea[0] Syria[0]
Guinea-Bissau[0] Taiwan[9]
Guyana[0] Tajikistan[2]
Haiti[0] Tanzania[0]
Honduras[1] Thailand[16]
Hong Kong[32] Togo[0]
Hungary[8] Tokelau[0]
Iceland[0] Tonga[0]
India[97] Tunisia[3]
Indonesia[4] Turkey[12]
Iran[8] Turkmenistan[0]
Iraq[3] Tuvalu[0]
Ireland[13] Uganda[2]
Israel[15] Ukraine[22]
Italy[25] Un. A. Emirates[17]
Ivory Coast[1] United Kingdom: UK[178]
Jamaica[0] Uruguay[0]
Japan[6] USA[505]
Jordan[17] Uzbekistan[0]
Kazakhstan[4] Vanuatu[0]
Kenya[7] Vatican[0]
Kiribati[0] Venezuela[4]
Korea (North)[0] Vietnam[4]
Korea (South)[5] Wallis and F.[0]
Kuwait[6] Western Samoa[0]
Kyrgyz Republic[0] Yemen[0]
Laos[0] Zambia[0]
Latvia[8] Zimbabwe[0]

kw: mesh, networking, freedom, p2p, internet, bitcoin, asterisk, google, google voice, android, root, free, wireless, data, linux, voip, voice

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