I am currently looking for someone to help out with this blog. I didn't realize the scope that this blog would effect. Hits from countries in political strife and the like, people looking for a way to communicate outside of government control. If you would like to help please send me an email George dot Endrulat at Gmail dot Com.

Friday, April 1, 2011





The NetLab, lead by Professor Thomas Engel at the SnT is addressing both fundamental as well as applied research activities in computer networking and security.
Originally created as a project proposal called SECAN-Lab Project, which was submitted as "Titre I" to the Luxembourg Ministry of Culture, Higher Education and Research MCESR as an internal project within the University of Luxembourg in 2003/2004, it today plays the role of an umbrella covering a number of coherent (follow-up) research projects with a number of international partners from academia, industry and governments.
The main research activities cover the security issues of the future internet and address in particular way topics related to trust management for the internet of things, emerging protocols for space and satellite communications as well as work for the current security threats in the Internet.
The group is following also a strong cooperative research activity by direct and peer to peer interactions with relevant industrial actors, among which SES ASTRA, Dresdner Bank (Luxembourg, SA) and the Luxembourg EPT are leading to joint Ph.D students and significant technology transfer. A particular focus is given to the numerous participations in different FP6/FP7 projects among which the group is assuming leadership responsibilities for several high profile ones.

Teaching and the supervision of both Master of Science and doctorate level students do rank high in the overall group activities. With a significant number of master of science theses and ongoing Ph.D students, NetLab is actively pursuing a strong educational policy and actively combines state of the art research with the forming of a next generation of high class research personnel.

The Lab aims at combining academic research in the area of security, privacy and identity handling in distributed environments with application areas. The latter are motivated by and integrated into a number of national and EU funded projects, which cover a large variety of application areas and reference scenarios.

Current research activities include graph-based detection of network attacks and malware, anonymity protocols and fingerprinting for distributed environments.
A second major research direction focuses on peer-to-peer networks, agile communication for optimized car traffic, cloud security and formal modeling techniques based on algebraic graph transformations for security, compliance and conformance checks.

The laboratory's main application domains are in the field of vehicular communications, personal area networks, peer to peers systems public safety communication and cloud networking environments.

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