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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Re: [Wing] How to use multi-radios

2011/5/6 Roberto Riggio <roberto.riggio@create-net.org>
The following is our deployment (case1):
A. With 1 NIC on channel 1, and is able to connect to Internet.
B. With 2 NICs on channel 1 and 6, respectively.
C. With 1 NIC on channel 6.

Links between PC A and B are work correctly,
all node information in lt.hosts, lt.links and lt.routes are found.

But the links between PC B and C are strange,
lt.hosts, lt.links are exist(both forward and backward are exist),
and metric on each link seems normal(around 1000~2000),
but we can not find any information about lt.routes.

Is there anything I may lost?

cound you send me the output of the following handlers:

read_handler lt.hosts
read_handler arp.table
read_handler lt.routes
read_handler lt.interfaces

read_handler wr/es/es_N.bcast_stats

where N=1,2


After experiment describe above, we try another scenrio.

The following is our deployment (case2):
A. With 1 NIC on channel 1, and is able to connect to Internet.
B. With 2 NICs on channel 1 and 6, respectively.
C. With "2 NICs" on channel "11 and 6", respectively.

In this case it work correctly,
we can use ping to access outside Internet (
what do you mean that it works? Is that, from node A you can
see routes to node C?

 Node C can see routes to node A, and can get ICMP reply from node A and Google DNS.

We guess:

If we want to use multi-channel, PC C's first NIC channel must match PC B's first NIC channel.
Even PC C's first NIC channel match PC B's "second" NIC channel, there is no connection between C and B.
This was a bug that should be solved since a few weeks. Are you using a recent build?

In any case could you provide me with the value of the aforementioned handlers
for your 3 scenarios?

Are you using openwrt or are you following the instruction for using wing over a pc?

In the latter case the script in the repository uses only one wireless interface. Could
you send me the file /tmp/clickd.click?

We use "git clone git://github.com/rriggio/click.git" to download the wing source code today,
and compile it on Fedora, then copy the necessary files to openwrt.
The others are following http://www.wing-project.org/software:notebook

We had modified the script clickd following

We have no those device now, can we send those files latter? (maybe on 5/9)


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