Mesh Networking Projects
The OLSR daemon is an implementation of the Optimized Link State Routing protocol. As such it allows mesh routing for any network equipment. It runs on any wifi card that supports ad-hoc mode and of course on any ethernet device. OLSR is next to AODV one of the main two internet standards for mesh networks. It is widely used and well tested.
Since OLSR is on layer 3, it is highly portable. So far it runs on
- Windows (XP and Vista, Windows 7)
- Linux (i386, arm, alpha, mips, xscale)
- OS X (powerpc, intel, xscale, iPhone)
- VxWorks
- NetBSD
- FreeBSD
- OpenBSD
- Nokia N900
- Google phone (Android, G1)
- linux wifi phones (WIP)
- the $100 laptop
- the Intel Classmate
OLSR is fast and uses very little CPU time thus saving valuable battery power on embedded and portable devices.
The protocol algorithm of B.A.T.M.A.N can be described (simplified) as follows. Each node transmits broadcast messages (we call them originator messages or OGMs) to inform the neighboring nodes about it's existence. These neighbors are re-broadcasting the OGMs according to specific rules to inform their neighbors about the existence of the original initiator of this message and so on and so forth. Thus the network is flooded with originator messages. OGMs are small, the typical raw packet size is 52 byte including IP and UDP overhead. OGMs contain at least the address of the originator, the address of the node transmitting the packet, a TTL and a sequence number.
- wireless ad-hoc networks
- city-wide wireless mesh networks
MIT Roofnet
Roofnet is an experimental 802.11b/g mesh network currently under development at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Part of the research project at MIT includes link-level measurements of 802.11, finding high-throughput routes in the face of lossy links, link adaptation, and developing new protocols which take advantage of radio’s unique properties (ExOR). The software developed for this project is available free as open source.
GNUnet is a framework for secure peer-to-peer networking that does not use any centralized or otherwise trusted services. A first service implemented on top of the networking layer allows anonymous censorship-resistant file-sharing. Anonymity is provided by making messages originating from a peer indistinguishable from messages that the peer is routing. All peers act as routers and use link-encrypted connections with stable bandwidth utilization to communicate with each other. GNUnet uses a simple, excess-based economic model to allocate resources. Peers in GNUnet monitor each others behavior with respect to resource usage; peers that contribute to the network are rewarded with better service. GNUnet is part of the GNU project.
GNUnet was started in late 2001
- Authentication
- Confidentiality
- Accounting to Encourage Resource Sharing
- Anonymity
- Deniability
Mainly for peer to peer file sharing. No chat (yet?). Too much latency for web browsers and web proxies.
Anonymity Servers
I2P Homepage
I2P is an anonymizing network, offering a simple layer that identity-sensitive applications can use to securely communicate. All data is wrapped with several layers of encryption, and the network is both distributed and dynamic, with no trusted parties.
Linux Host-to-Host IPSEC
A Quick and Dirty Tunnel between two Linux Clients:
WRT Firmware
Open Wrt
Long Range Link Software
Ronja is a free technology project for reliable optical data links with a current range of 1.4km and a communication speed of 10Mbps full duplex.
Use as a backbone? Cost < $100
Open Networks
Freifunk in English
Freifunk (German for Free Radio) is an initiative to support the development of tools for free mesh networks. Besides that the initiative supports communities developing know-how to set up their own networks.
- Open WRT firmware
- Telephone routing and other service add ons
- Documentation For Developing Mesh for Your Community
Wlan Ljubljana
“… is a wireless mesh network in Ljubljana, Slovenia. In addition to providing its users with Internet access, it appears to also features a local network. wlan ljubljana is working with volunteers in other cities in Slovenia to create more local networks, and has created its own firmware package for routers called nodewatcher. Like Freifunk, nodewatcher is based on the embeddable Linux distribution OpenWrt. nodewatcher is designed to be easy to use for a non-technical user.”
P2P Foundation
Would You Like To Know MORE?
A list of open source ad-hoc network and routing protocols / platforms.
Openmesh Blog
3 Projects to Create a Government-less Internet, and Why It’s Needed
Dateline Zero
Overclock and Amplify a Linksys Router
On Reddit
Info To Use To Help Promote The Idea
Specific Organizations Supporting S.3480
These organiztions want to kill the Internet (on demand):
- Intelligence and National Security Alliance
- Secure ID Coalition
- Professional Services Council
- The Coalition for Government Procurement
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce
- Symantec Corporation
- SANS Institute
- Center for Democracy & Technology
- American Chemistry Council
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