I am currently looking for someone to help out with this blog. I didn't realize the scope that this blog would effect. Hits from countries in political strife and the like, people looking for a way to communicate outside of government control. If you would like to help please send me an email George dot Endrulat at Gmail dot Com.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Choke Point Project- towards a distributed internet infrastructure

Choke Point Project- towards a distributed internet infrastructure

The image above is from a Hungarian publication which interviewed us this week. They asked us a few question like how the CPP differs from OpenNet Initiative with it’s focus on concentrating mostly on the possibility of complete Internet blockouts and the ways to circumvent it by means of “distributed internet infrastructures”. Arpad: “Could we [...]


Oh god, it’s week 2. How did that happen so quickly after last week? Chris has done a lovely job with tweeting and recording the hell out of what’s been going on in links and video. It has been a crazy week including Iran’s plan to unplug from the www and setup their own internal [...]


The ChokePoint Project was recently featured in a report by @janquim for the Catalan tv website 3cat24.cat Un projecte nascut a Barcelona i Amsterdam vol fer visibles els punts d’estrangulació d’internet Choke Point Project és el nom d’una proposta que des de la fundació P2P pretén exposar a tothom un mapa visible dels “interruptors” que [...]


As mentioned in the weeknotes last week, some great news about funding! Choke Point Project has been selected as 2011 winner of [the next idea] voestalpine Art and Technology Grant as part of the Prix Ars Electronica 2011. Here’s what the Ars Electronica post says about the project: “As an upshot of recent revolts in the Arab world, [...]


Chris and I thought it might be worthwhile writing a weekly report on how this project is progressing. So here it is, the beginning of our weeknotes, which is a way to let you know what’s going on. This week we just received some fantastic news regarding funding which we cannot release unfortunately till later [...]


This project is meant for people curious about transparency and control of the networking technologies, their use and abuse by nation states and corporations leading towards new tool sets being produced to distribute connectivity beyond traditional powers. Telephony and the Internet have had a huge impact on society, both positive and negative. Following the uprisings [...]


Video Transcription On February 27th, 2011, the order was given to “turn off” the Internet in Egypt, limiting communications and voiding commerce conducted online. Egyptian Internet services resumed on February 2nd. Fastforward just a few weeks later, this time Libya commences its disconnect February 18th, with a blackout occurring March 4th. Shutting down the Internet [...]


The unique contribution of Choke Point by Michel Bauwens: A current overview of the work being done on more autonomous internet infrastructures, shows broadly two main type of projects: 1) projects that have identified a particular problem and are building (a set of) solutions for it, for example, the development of Tor for anonymous communication [...]


The order was given to “turn off” the Internet during the early hours of dissent which lead to the eventual downfall of the Egyptian government in February 2011, sending shock-waves around the world. Murmurs were heard of US security agencies and American politicians asking for access to a similar kill switch for reasons as yet [...]


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