I am currently looking for someone to help out with this blog. I didn't realize the scope that this blog would effect. Hits from countries in political strife and the like, people looking for a way to communicate outside of government control. If you would like to help please send me an email George dot Endrulat at Gmail dot Com.

Friday, April 1, 2011

A Wireless Internet

A Wireless Internet

A Wireless Internet

There are several efforts under way leading to a store-and-forward digital radio network that would function as a wireless Internet, able to provide emergency communciations in the event of failure or overloading of the wired Internet, and able to extend Internet communciations beyond the reach of wire links. You should also do a search on "flexnet" or "amprnet" using any of several WWW search engines.

  1. HTML Version Text Version WIPNet — A Proposal for a Wireless Internet of Portable Nodes
  2. Wireless mesh network — Wikipedia article.
  3. Mesh Potato — Mesh networking devices for analog phones, suitable for communications in less developed countries and emergency situations.
  4. Meraki — Mesh networking for mostly non-portable devices.
  5. Mesh Network Details - OLPC — Details of the mesh networking provided by the XO laptop.
  6. Wireless Mesh Networking — by Tomas Krag and Sebastian Büettrich, 01/22/2004.
  7. MeshApp — An open-source, cross-platform application for ad-hoc wireless mesh networking on mobile devices.
  8. Berkeleys Mesh Network: Dust in the RFID Wind — by Renee Boucher Ferguson, 2006/11/03 .
  9. MeshNetworks — Offer products that could comprise a WIPNet.
  10. Xybernaut — Make a wearable computer with a head-mounted display.
  11. TAPR — Tucson Amateur Packet Radio. Active in developing this technology.
  12. Wireless Research Hotlinks — Iowa State University collection
  13. How to build a wireless bridge (mesh network) with WRT54Gs — Mesh networking with a popular wireless router.
  14. Sinister Radio Network — Seeking a network free of commercial Internet service providers, governments, telephone companies, and ad-hoc Internet regulatory bodies of dubious legitimacy (such as ARIN and Internic).
  15. Defcon — Hackers conference.
  16. FlexNet Home Page — Documentation and links on this project.
  17. North East Digital Association — Publish a regular report on FlexNet information. NEDA, PO Box 563, Manchester, NH 03105.
  18. Freenet — Another program to set up a network without server support or accountability.
  19. Gnutella — Program to create peer-to-peer network without central servers or a domain name system.
  20. Bluetooth — Protocol to support wireless network of mobile computers.
  21. Swarm intelligence — Ants find optimal traversals of a network, and they may show us how to route packets over a wireless network.
  22. Nomad Mobile Research Centre — Focus on improving computer security.
  23. Unoverica Corporation — Extensive documentation on TCP/IP addressing and routing schemes for wireless neworks.
  24. MFNOS Software — Downloadable DOS software for packet TCP/IP.
  25. SEDAN — Southeastern Emergency Digital Association Networks. Much relevant material on packet radio. Maintained by Buck Rogers k4abt@sedan.org
  26. AMPRnet FTP Site — Maintained by brian@ucsd.edu
  27. The Internet/Amprnet Gateways
  28. Mark Marston WWW Site — Has done a lot of work on AMPRnet. Email: mmarston@ime.net
  29. rec.radio.amateur.digital.misc — Main newsgroup on this subject.
  30. Low Power FM Broadcasting — Could be critical in an emergency for reaching persons not linked.
  31. Communications and Surveillance — Links to equipment manufacturers. Especially important are wearable computers and portable spread-spectrum transceivers.
  32. Security and Privacy — Links to providers and documents on encryption, tempest protection, and anonymous access to the Internet.

Local groups

  1. Austin Area Wireless Users Group
  2. Austin Wireless Group
  3. OMITnet
  4. Bay Area Wireless Users Group
  5. NYCwireless
  6. SeattleWireless
  7. Hacktivismo

Dead links

Please help us replace these.

Home » Resources » Communications & Surveillance
Original URL: http://www.constitution.org/wipnet/wipnet.htm
Maintained: Jon Roland of the Constitution Society
Original date: 1997 June 15 — Last updated 2011/2/27
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