I actually use the openwrt development branch (trunk). I've just removed a few reference to kamikazeThe WING web pages say use OpenWRT Kamikaze but there is a WING package in OpenWRT BackFire 10.3.1 RC3
in the web site (thanks) if you happen to find more please let me know.
In any case, the package will work fine also on backfire. I did not try personally, but I do not see
any reason it should not work, wing is integrated as a normal protocol within openwrt.
Any advice of creating your own OpenWRT firmware with WING in it? Like what version or type of Linux to use on a regular PC? Any 'gotchas' to watch out for?Well if you follow the instructions here:
basically it boils down to
* checking out your favorite version of openwrt
* download a patch that is needed if you are using a driver different from madwifi
* configure the image (remember to include the wing package)
* and launch the build process with make
After flashing the image on your board you should have a working mesh router. The only
real gotchas is that you must remember to configure the wan interface (the Ethernet typically)
in that wing automatically recognizes if the node should act as a mesh relay or as a gateway.
I did not put detailed instruction for using wing on a other linux distros in the wing requires
a patched kernel. The only exception is if you are using the madwifi driver, in this case you
can follow the instructions available here:
Paul Adams
_______________________________________________ Wing mailing list Wing@create-net-ml.org http://diana.create-net-ml.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/wing
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